Industry Updates

MSCI drops ESG from indices to align with UK and EU fund naming rules

November deadline in EU and April 2025 in UK

Lauren Gibbons

ESG globe world

MSCI is renaming over 100 ESG indices to align with incoming sustainability product naming rules in Europe and the UK.

The indices – which include the MSCI World ESG Screened index, the MSCI Europe ESG Screened index and the MSCI USA ESG Screened index – will drop ESG from their titles following the outcome of a recent consultation.

The move comes after the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) updated its guidelines on ESG fund naming rules last month, setting a November deadline.

Meanwhile, the UK’s Sustainability Disclosure Regulations (SDR) had stated the rules are set to come into effect on 2 December, but recently granted ‘temporary flexibility’ until 2 April for firms to comply with the rules.

Previous index name

New index name

MSCI ESG Leaders indices

MSCI Selection indices

MSCI ESG Screened indices

MSCI Screened indices

MSCI ESG Universal indices

MSCI Universal indices

MSCI ESG Focus indices

MSCI Focus indices

MSCI Sustainable Impact indices

MSCI Sustainable Development indices

A spokesperson from MSCI said:“Through this decision MSCI will continue to provide its global client base with support to meet local regulatory requirements, in this case aligning with new rules on naming sustainability-related products in the EU and the UK.”

Close to half of UK sustainable funds impacted by the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) SDR naming rules will be ETFs, according to research from FE fundinfo, while only 21% of ETFs and index funds will be effected, Morningstar Sustainalytics said.

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