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ETF Insider Summer 2024: Out now!

This issue focuses on ETF Ecosystem Unwrapped 2024

Theo Andrew

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Hosted over two days in the City of London, ETF Ecosystem Unwrapped 2024 welcomed over 500 attendees and 60 speakers offering invaluable insights into the European ETF market.

Day 1 – exclusively for professional investors based in Europe – addressed some of the most important asset allocation and portfolio construction decisions facing fund selectors in the current market environment.

Overconcentration in equities has been a key concern this year, with the US market continuing to rise on the back of an artificial intelligence boom. Some believe they have further to go, however, with Trevor Neil, director of RRG Research, arguing the market is not in a bubble.

Meanwhile, Day 2 – open to all stakeholders across the European ETF ecosystem – homed in on some of the key regulatory challenges facing the ETF market, including the T+1 conundrum, the UCITS eligibility review and proposed changes to the ETF share class naming convention.

The Summer 2024 issue of ETF Insider focuses on the key takeaways from ETF Stream’s ETF Ecosystem Unwrapped 2024 event.

Also inside are the usual segments such as ETF of the Month (p.13), Education Corner (p.12), Fund Fights (p.15) and Expert Investors, where ETF Stream interviews fund selectors on the role of ETFs within their asset allocation (p.11).

Read the headlines below:

  • ETF Ecosystem Unwrapped 2024: Key takeaways (p.18)

  • Concern grows for T+1 misalignment in Europe (p.7)

  • The Patient Investor: Re-evaluating the value strategy (p.16)

  • ‘My crystal ball is broken’: The top asset allocation takeaways (p.22)

  • Regulation round-up: UCITS eligibility under the spotlight (p.28)

  • Beyond Beta: Do ETFs threaten corporate governance (p.32)

Sponsored content from MSCI, JP Morgan Asset Management and Invesco:

  • The power of outcome-oriented investing (p.24)

  • Leveraging environmental opportunities for a resilient future (p.28)

  • Roundtable: Where next for bond markets and what role can ETFs play? (p.34)

  • Roundtable: Sustainable fixed income innovation in a challenging market (p.38)

ETF Insider is only available to professional investors and members of the ETF industry in Europe. To access the full issue of ETF Insider, click here.

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