Northern Trust Asset Management
FlexShares® Exchange Traded Funds, managed by Northern Trust Asset Management are designed to pursue specific investment goals while offering differentiated ETF strategies that can improve and simplify the investment decision process for the professional investor. Globally, FlexShares as of Q1 21 has over $16B in 29 funds in the US, and proudly launched two flagship funds in EMEA.
By leveraging the expertise across a variety of disciplines from Northern Trust Asset Management to offer new, insightful solutions designed to address actual investor goals. Our investment expertise coupled with collaborative client relationships contributed to a strategy that is purposefully matched with a core investment objective: growing assets, managing risk, generating income or managing liquidity. FlexShares ETFs are engineered from the ground up including collaborating with an index provider to build the appropriate index that is designed to produce persistent return attributes while emphasizing transparency and cost efficiency in order to deliver alternative index strategies. We intensely focus on identifying and delivering unique insights not already priced into the market. Investors can benefit from our dedication to advancing the science of index design and transparency we deliver through our outcome-oriented ETF solutions for the long-term investor. For more information, please visit
Northern Trust Asset Management is a global investment manager that helps investors navigate changing market environments, so they can confidently realize their long-term objectives. Entrusted with US$1.1 trillion of investor assets as of December 31, 2020, we understand that investing ultimately serves a greater purpose and believe investors should be compensated for the risks they take — in all market environments and any investment strategy. That’s why we combine robust capital markets research, expert portfolio construction and comprehensive risk management to craft innovative and efficient solutions that deliver targeted investment outcomes. As engaged contributors to our communities, we consider it a great privilege to serve our investors and our communities with integrity, respect, and transparency. For more information, please visit